Create a greeting card fireworks for New Year 2010 Here is a tutorial that is timely, indeed you will learn from this exercise to create a greeting card for 2010, you why use Illustrator to create 3D figures and Photoshop to create an atmosphere bright and sunny (as will this new year 2010 is all I wish you). By this card I wish all readers and all readers a pleasant and beautiful 2010. This tutorial Photoshop / Illustrator is pretty fast, so you should finish it in less than 30 minutes. The techniques do not require extensive knowledge in DTP, I encourage beginners to give it a shot and then if certain steps you seem complicated, please use the comments to ask questions.
But before all things, let me show you what you will create:
The twinkling stars and the fireworks will be created by brushes for download on the Internet, the 2010 will in turn create in Illustrator. Finally the lights and other color effects will be created with the Gradient tool and a brush in Photoshop.
Good luck to all for the success of this tutorial on Illustrator and Photoshop.
STEP 1 Open the software Illustrator and create a new document by going to File> New (regardless of size, background color should be white) and then click OK. Finally, select the Text tool (T) and create a nice 2010 to the middle of your image.
STEP 2 Choose the Selection tool (V) and select your 2010. Then go to menu Effect> 3D> Extrude, a new window opens, check the box to the right "Preview", then change the size of 50pts or extrusion pixels and change the option from the bottom surface plastic ( Warning I have a version of Illustrator, it is possible that the names do not match exactly, sorry). Play options to get a perfect 3D rendering.
Tip: If you want to edit your 3D shape, do not bother to create a new text and apply a new form in three dimensions. Go to the Window menu> Appearance. A small window opens (the Appearance window), locate the line corresponding to 3D, then click it to start editing.
I then changed the color of my text, to do nothing more simple, select the text tool and select the numbers (by double clicking on 2010). Then double-click the foreground color to change the color assigned to the text (in my example, just the white).
STEP 4 You will now open Photoshop and create a new document, why go to the File menu> New. Then set for a new image 600 pixels wide and 600 pixels high.
STEP 5 You will now complete your image. To do this select the Paint Bucket tool (G), then change the foreground color with a dark blue (# 00283 e), you can choose another color if you want your final image has a different tone than blue.
STEP 6 You will now create a first light, why start by creating a new layer called "Glow 1" (to create a layer go to Layer menu> New> Layer and then press Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + N).
Select the Brush Tool (B) and then change the foreground color with white (# FFFFFF) and change the shape of the brush by a fuzzy Round, Size to 400 pixels and the opacity to 50% finally use the brush to create a glow on the center of your image (note: all options are in the horizontal bar at the top of your screen).
STEP 7 You will now create the stars, for that you will use brushes (brushes or custom shapes) that you download from this website: http://scully7491.deviantart .com/art/Starlight-Brushes-14754346
Tip: To load shapes, select the Brush tool (B) and then go to the window shapes (either by clicking on the form above, or by pressing F5 ), then top right, click the small arrow to open the menu, in, select Load forms to complete, browse files, and find your file. abr and click OK.
Once you have loaded forms, create a new layer called "Stars." Then use the Brush tool and forms previously installed to create a starry sky.
It is possible that the edges of your stars are too marked, if you want to mitigate the edges, simply use the Eraser tool with a rounded shape rather vague and broad size: about 200 pixels.
STEP 9 You will now create a firework, for that is simple, start by creating a new layer called "Artifice" and then use the brush shapes you can download On this page:
STEP 10 You will now add color to your publication graphic, why create a new layer that you call Blue Light, then select the Gradient tool. Finally change the foreground color by a light blue: # 2078b9 then a background color: # 3e6081. Finally
change the shape of the gradient in radial gradient.
And finally, create a gradient from center to bottom left, then go layer "Blue Light" blending mode in bright light (you will find the option in the blending mode menu in the upper left in Layers window).
STEP 11 You will now add the famous "Happy New Year" or "Happy New Year" to do this, select Text tool (T) then create a text box from the left edge to right edge. Finally enter your text and center the center with the option (see the text options at the top of your screen).
STEP 12 You will now import your 3D text, for that is simple, go back to Illustrator and select the text block, then press Ctrl / Cmd + C to copy the text in Photoshop and then press Ctrl / Cmd + V to paste the "2010" in your image.
Normally a window opens, select pixels, and then click OK. Your "2010" is now added to the image, resize it as you wish, then press Enter. Finally, rename the layer containing the text in 3D "3D Text".
Now you'll create small flicker on the 3D text to give the illusion that he is very bright. To do this, first create a new group "Sparkles" and create a new layer in "Sparkle 1". Then select the Brush tool (B) with a rounded blur and size 50 pixels, create lights on top of 3D text.
STEP 14 You will now create more sparkle on the text marked in 3D. For that you'll use the brush forms available on this page: .
Create a new layer called "Glitter 2", select the Brush tool (B), installation and select previously downloaded forms. Finally, create your star to simulate a flickering on the top of the 3D text.
STEP 15 Create a third layer that you call "Sparkle 3" and then use common the same technique to create smaller stars on the top of the text.
The exercise is now finished, you can add your name at the bottom right to indicate the creator of the image, in the example I just added white text "by
Finally, remember to press Ctrl / Cmd + S to save your image-in a copy. Psd to make changes to your latest creation graphic and a copy. jpg to be able to upload in the gallery
Thank you all for reading and trying this new exercise, and again I hope everyone a beautiful and very happy new year 2010.