Friday, September 10, 2010

Poptropica To Play. Com

Tutorial: How Google Earth

Launched in August 2005, Google Earth has become famous for the ability it gives users to discover all the places in the world through satellite views. You'll not only discover the world of photography and more: thanks to the participation of users, the database of Google Earth is growing day by day and you can view photos, documents, videos and even play Stories from around the world.
Follow our step by step installing the software to print your own map. Master the immense potential of this software by following this tutorial.

1. Basic Options

It is always useful (even essential ) to make a turn in the program options to see what he has in his stomach. "
For options, do like the screenshot.

You will find all the explanations page using Google Earth .

2. Manipulate Google Earth

a. Keyboard shortcuts

It is important that you know the shortcuts and the main ways to navigate with Google Earth:

To zoom to a specific point on the globe
  • double -click (left click to zoom in and right click to zoom out).
  • or use the wheel on your mouse (the direction of the zoom is definable in the navigation options)
  • or use the buttons + or - on the strip at the top right of the screen

You can see your altitude above sea level on the lower right corner (you can configure the metric system in the Navigation Options).

b. The viewing angle

You can change the viewing angle of the "map" and you realize Google Earth provides a true 3-dimensional visualization of the earth's surface.
You can fly the globe if you position the camera parallel to the horizon!
To do this, several options (version 5 of Google Earth):
  • Use the key combination : + (or , , ) to simply change the angle of view without changing altitude

  • Use the key combination + (or or or ) to rotate the planet's surface while your eye remains in a fixed position in the sky. The altitude of the camera will change so

  • Finally, the technique most intuitive is to keep down the center button of your mouse (wheel) and adjust your viewing angle. Take the test, it's addictive!

To return to a view perpendicular to the surface, press

To return to a view perpendicular to the north and back up, press

you know enough to manipulate the camera and make walks.
You find all the shortcuts on page using Google Earth

3. Calculate the length of your routes

To do this, use the Rule , available in the Tools menu .

Just double click on each junction and Google Earth create the line between two points.
Continue this procedure until you reach your destination.

You can see the length of your journey in the box:

You can see that I almost 1.5 km journey from my home office :)

4. Tips

You're fun to spot your house, your office and surroundings of your family and you're a little short of ideas?
Here are some tips and unusual places to visit. The journey continues!

With Google Earth you can :

  • Create custom envelopes: go to the site Mapenvelope enter the name of a place and print!

  • Prepare a travel itinerary and print maps: [Video Directions GE]

  • Study the chart, visit the Moon and Mars

To control more formidable this software you can view the site Google Earth.

can usefully refer to Gearth Blog .


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