Friday, September 4, 2009

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Cooperatives Health Have their place in the Quebec health care system?

Francois Marchand
Press up on the left!, Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This short text aims to inform the debate (about absent in Quebec) on the prominence of health cooperatives in Quebec. Here are some reflections of Health for Ottawa against the emergence of health cooperatives in the Quebec health system. Read more ...

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Cooperative health and alternative health center

file online on the web page of the journal Reflection of society.

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Physician Shortage - A threat in rural areas when

Collective of mayors of the MRC de Nicolet-Yamaska

Le Devoir, Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On October 7, members of the Council of Mayors of the MRC de Nicolet-Yamaska discussed problems concerning the shortage of doctors in rural areas. After the debate, politicians have decided to pass on the fruits of their reflections to pave the way for changes to ensure a good public health services to rural populations. We hereby wish that Quebec's main political parties are positioning themselves in this debate as organizations representing rural Quebec. We are seeking views without ambiguity and possible solutions to the problems we outline. Read more ...

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playing the "Great Seduction"

Francois Marchand
The Aut'journal, September 1, 2009

Gatineau - August 29, we learned that the Deputy Minister responsible for the Outaouais, Norman MacMillan, had set up a committee to attract specialist physicians in Ottawa, and thus perform an operation, which he called "La Grande Seduction". Or will he find all the specialists Quebec needs shortage in the middle? We wonder what will happen if each region establishes its own committee of "seduction". Read more ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

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Cooperatives health they cause slippage?

Jacques Fournier
Tribune Free
Vigil Saturday, November 8, 2008

If we recognize the vitality of those who have established health care cooperatives, we must increasingly cons s' question on the skids result from this formula in the current Quebec context. Read more ...

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A binary thinking that obscures the cooperative innovation

Marie-Joëlle Brassard
Le Devoir, Monday, March 10, 2008

The Castonguay report brought Once again the debate on health without raising the level of reflection. Once again, we rehash old ideas between the proponents of the deprivation opposed to those who favor a public system, as if we were unable to leave. Again, with the idea launched by the ratio of annual fees for primary care clinics, an idea borrowed from the health cooperatives, apply to private solution out of context to help. But are we capable enough grades to finally open on paths not frequented so far, the only condition for innovation? Read more ...

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cooperatives Health: A winning option

Bernard Gélinas
Le Devoir Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Far from wanting to feed a controversy following the articles by Marie-Joëlle Brassard ( "The clinical cooperative health does not mean privatization , Le Devoir, June 8) and Jacques Fournier ( "Cooperatives Health - A way to increase the incomes of physicians?" , Le Devoir June 12), I have to intervene to clarify views on health cooperatives. Read more ...

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One way to increase the incomes of physicians?

Jacques Fournier
Le Devoir Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The article by Marie-Joëlle Brassard published in Le Devoir on June 8 on the health cooperatives sheds interesting light on the project led by cooperatives. It is true that the health cooperatives are not part of the prospect of privatization, because it refers to private enterprise. Cooperatives lodge at the sign of the social economy, a sector that lies somewhere between the creatures State and private enterprises. Read more ...

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The cooperative health clinic does not mean privatization

Marie-Joëlle Brassard
Le Devoir Friday, June 8, 2007

In recent days, even at the last election campaign, a wealth of ideas put forward by all parties hinted innovative avenues to meet the challenges imposed by the management of public affairs. Of these ideas, cooperation, particularly in health, both politicians interested people. The cooperative health care clinics were frequently described and presented as the solution to persistent problems in health. Read more ...